If there is trouble, let it be in my day so that my children may know peace. For Muslims visiting this page, being hurt by the truth is far better than being mesmerized by a delusive cult. Islam is an anti-civilization cult. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded! So If you think Islam is a religion of peace you are brain dead.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Most Islamic terrorists convicted in Britain spend less than three and a half years in prison, a shock report has revealed. A third go free after no more than 16 months. And Britain is now a “hub for the development of terrorists”, the survey found.

Seven out of Ten Islamic fanatics are “home-grown” British nationals, according to the Henry Jackson Society. The think-tank analyzed 138 Islamic terror convictions from 1999 to 2010.

 Abu Hamza was jailed seven years for soliciting murder

It found 54 per cent of the terrorists were given sentences of between one and nine years – and that those defendants spent a maximum of three and a half years in jail.

Incredibly, eight of them avoided prison altogether. The report gave examples of soft justice including the case of Mohammed Kabashi who was sentenced to nine years for helping the failed 21/7 London bombers but walked out of jail after just two years and three months.

Hook-handed preacher Abu Hamza was jailed seven years for soliciting murder. 

He would have been freed after two years and two months but remains in custody because he is facing other charges in the US.

In a forward to the report Lord Carlile, the Government’s former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said: “The evidence reveals the UK to be something of a hub for the development of terrorists who export their activities to other countries.”

Source : Express UK

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